Moving a family member into a senior living community brings a mix of emotions. Assisted living might be the right choice initially, but as a person’s needs grow, it may be time to look at memory care options.
If you have a family member in assisted living, it’s important to watch for subtle signs that they might need more specialized care. Our experts at The Monarch Senior Living, with both memory care and assisted living communities in Texas and Nevada, will help you understand when it’s time to consider memory care, the benefits of these communities, and how to navigate this important transition.
When to Make the Move
While your family member may benefit from the support offered in assisted living communities, they may come to need the more structured approach that memory care offers. As time progresses, certain signs may indicate a need for additional support. Here are the cues to observe carefully:
Behavioral Shifts
Frequent agitation, disorientation, and changes in mood that are uncharacteristic may signal the progressive nature of your family member’s cognitive condition. Outbursts and increased wandering could mean that their current community is no longer meeting their cognitive needs.
Cognitive Decline
Forgetfulness that impacts daily routines, the inability to recognize familiar faces, and the repetition of questions or statements are key cognitive signs of decline. These can lead to safety concerns and a reduced standard of living.
Physical Implications
Poor personal hygiene, problems with incontinence, and an increased risk of accidents, such as falls or improperly taking medications, heighten the need for 24/7 specialized assistance.
Supportive Memory Care

Memory care communities, such as The Monarch Senior Living, offer safe and structured settings specifically designed for individuals living with dementia, ensuring their needs are met with the utmost care and attention. These specialized spaces go beyond offering mere physical care; they provide cognitive therapies, engaging programs tailored to each resident’s abilities, and constant support to enhance the lifestyles of those affected by memory loss. This holistic approach not only supports the physical well-being of residents but also addresses their emotional, social, and mental health needs, creating a compassionate and nurturing space.
Enhanced Safety Protocols
Secured spaces with features to prevent wandering, around-the-clock supervision, and specialized medical attention offer the peace of mind to families that individuals are in a secure neighborhood.
Customized Interactions
Memory care team members are trained to use personalized techniques, fostering comfort through familiarity and individualized care plans that cater to the unique needs of each resident.
Cognitive Stimulation
Structured programs are designed to promote memory recall and help individuals maintain cognitive abilities, significantly enhancing your family member’s life.
Family Support
Many memory care communities offer support groups and resources to help families adapt to the new dynamics of care, fostering a deeper sense of community and understanding.
The Transition Journey
Deciding it’s time to transition a family member from assisted living to memory care is an emotional step that requires careful planning and execution. It’s vital to handle this transition with the sensitivity it deserves.
Open Communication
Open and ongoing discussions can help establish trust and ease any fears your family member may have. Take their preferences and comfort into account when moving forward.
Research and Visits
Researching the right memory care community involves more than just online search. Arrange to visit communities and interact with both team members and residents to gauge authenticity and warmth. Feel free to contact our team to schedule a tour at any of our communities in Nevada and Texas.
The Moving Day
Plan the move carefully, ensuring the new space encourages familiarity with personal items and mementos. This can help reduce anxiety and facilitate a smoother adjustment.
Your Role in the Transition
Your involvement does not end after the move. Continue to be a source of comfort and support as your family member settles into their new home and routine.

Moving a family member from assisted living to memory care can be overwhelming, but you are not alone throughout this process.At The Monarch Senior Living, we’re here to help you through this journey. Reach out to a member of our team to schedule a personalized tour of one of our communities.